How can I assist?
Maggie Jacques, CEO
Cherish Tax brings fourth magnificient customer service.
We are pleased to assist you with a numerous of services.
Welcome and Thanks for being a valued customer.
We know it can be hard to find the right tax preparer. That's why we offer all new clients a free 1-hour consultation.
We’ll talk about your documents and find the right solutions for meeting your needs.
Let us get you some extra money $$$
Did you work last year?
We can help with your W-2, 1099.
Don't have time to wait in line?
Do you need something notarized?
Do you need to get a permit to complete a job?
We are here to get rid of the hassle.
Finding the right tax preparer can be frustrating.
We can correspond via secure email or we can come to you.
We have years of experience in tax preparation, notarization of all kinds and provide personalised, specialized attention for every situation. We focus on protecting your best interesting,
Are you pregnant?
Do you need medical assistance?
Do you need cash assistance?
Do you need help with applying for social security benifits?
We our here to help.
Cherish Tax - Maggie Jacques